Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Biggest Bra in the Store

So, yeah. I had this one bra that is a neutral color and it's the one I generally wore to work. It was big.
But the doc I went to this week to complain to about my hellish 14 pound weight gain in the last three and a half weeks and the atrocious new bone and muscle pain had little to offer. She just thinks that my insides and my metabolism were convinced I was starving to death during the Bad Year of Famous Poop, and neither one has yet gotten the message, NOT STARVING QUIT HOARDING CALORIES. And oh, that pain is refeeding myalgia, so cut back on the exercise, and we'll get you in to the endocrinologist asap.
Meanwhile, the beleaguered bra in question just gave up in exhaustion. So off I go to the bra and underwear store. Because that's where you buy bras. Except the cheery petite salesgirl measured me, thought I'd go one size up from the 36D I was sporting, and those weren't even close to big enough. I got the 38DD next, thinking this will be HUGE. And it is. Only not as far as capacity cup-wise. I could easily have worn an E. But they don't go that high in that store. I wore E's back when I was nursing and I thought the weight of my boobs would crush me if I lay down. Now I'm back in them except they don't sell them there and it was bad enough to have to buy the Biggest Bra in the Store, I was not about to hobble down the mall and look for a bra with cups big enough for my oversized head.
I am eating this primal diet thing and Saturday is the first day in nearly a month that the scale did not go up. Primal diet and endocrinologist need to handle up, I can't waddle around at nearly two hundred pounds for long without breaking a bone in my foot.


  1. So sorry --- Guess where I buy my giant bras - SEARS! Penneys has some giant ones too, as do some Wal-Marts. Some of them are big enough to use as infant carriers. Sears in Lafayette has the giant bras right by the catalog pick-up door - not much walking.

    I hope the endocrinologist will help. I have thought for a long time that your adrenals were screwing around with you. Mystery Diagnosis had a case of a kid who was born with cheeks so fat she couldn't nurse and a unibrow. She got normal after a while, then every so often she would gain crazy weight and get the unibrow again. The docs wouldn't listen to her mom - they thought she had Munchausen's by proxy. Finally a doc listened, looked at pictures of the kid, did an adrenal biopsy, and found microscopic tumors in the kid's adrenals. They removed them, put the kid on adrenal supplements / replacement drugs for life.

    I don't think your case is the same as that, but I hope your endocrinologist is a good one.

    Your primal diet probably counts as yeast-free - you might have a candida overgrowth on top of everything else. I lost weight on steaks and broccoli, lemon juice on salads when I was doing the yeast-free. Candida will make you fat, although 14 lbs in less than a month is not all candida's fault.

    Sounds like you are a candidate for a case write-up in a medical journal.

  2. I handled up on the candida early on in this mess. All the saccharomyces boulardii I ate kills it off, too. But there's no good explanation to me how I was gaining weight even before this remission, I waa unable to get down more than 1800 calories most days and was already gaining a pound or two every month. When I went to work, I ate less, worked more, exercised daily, and gained weight faster. Super discouraging.
