Friday, April 23, 2010

Suckitude and awesomeness

The awesome thing is, my kid got into grad school. They will pay her tuition and give her a stipend, so she can get her Ph.D. We were really sweating it, she had gotten a bunch of rejections and were thinking she was going to be taking her $120,000 education over to Mickey D's to ask if people wanted fries with that. There was a lot of screaming and crying when she called me, all happy noise.
Suckitude is how my company is planning to terminate me because I can't return to 12-hour killer shifts. I have asked for an 8-hour accomodation but it doesn't look good. So I've been applying for other jobs and have been crawling around the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. None yet, only a few dog turds, but who knows.

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