Thursday, December 23, 2010


Child is home, in a good mood, and not making any messes so far. I have four days off in a row to not even think about how bad the job from hell makes my feet, back, and neck hurt.
The bathroom is almost finished and it really looks lovely. The fella has outdone himself.
There is a Christmas tree on the back porch that may make its way in here tomorrow and get a few ornaments on it. There is pecan tassie cream cheese crust in the fridge from some food processor magic I worked under the influence of Absolut Rasberi and o.j. a little earlier tonight.
There's even a tiny pile of presents and, thanks to a check my sister sent me, I can pay the car insurance and not be overdrawn at the bank if I don't buy anything next week until Thursday.
I know how Cindy Lou Who felt at Christmas.

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