My CPAP mask seemed to really help me rest the first few days. Now I am having sinus and neck problems. I am going to the doc today and I think I'll stop by the Target and look into replacing my neckroll pillow I lost in a hotel a year or so back. The mask was definitely not the panacea I was hoping, the first two days waking up more rested really had my hopes up. Now I keep having a bad headache and neck-ache; I am waking up doing something very odd with my chin, all balled up. Suppose I am trying to get my face out of the wind in my sleep or something, and can't because it's strapped to my nose. It's not uncomfortable on, I don't know why I'm so willfully determined to be sleep-choked.
I tried again last week to use the machines in the weight room at the gym and had lots of weird neuromuscular symptoms and just general malaise afterward. I'm going to get the doc to check some blood work and a UA but I've also made an appointment with my friend who is a neurologist. All the times these other docs have said "Auto-immune" to me have finally made me get off my butt and look into the MS possibility. It would be better to know, right?
I only have a few weeks left of disability that I can possibly take. So I have been sending out some feelers, looking for an eight-hour job. Nothing so far, but my sis got my resume all polished up when she came to help a couple of weeks ago and it looks awesome if I get some interest. Ten more days of this class; with any luck I can pass the final and concentrate on sending out applications. I'm not that good at not worrying, and this stuff is giving me a workout.
Every Book Lover Dreams of It. Few Ever Get It.
13 hours ago
You can do it! If I can learn the remote sensing stuff, you can do the ostomy stuff. You can check into the MS stuff - but lesions usually only show up when they are active, right? They found Jamie's right away because she went to the hospital when she went numb. I can't remember which parts, but she got very numb in arms or legs. The workout problems could just be Ehlers-Danlos, too much pressure on your joints, pulling everything around and making it hurt.
ReplyDeleteI am still getting muscle spasms and numbness/tingling when I try to increase my activity level at all. When I grab something I should be able to lift, my hands let go after a few seconds. The lesions leave scars; they determine MS by active lesions they can see or scars they can locate. MRIs have gotten better. I hope it's just electolyte imbalances from the constant diarrhea but my GI doc is worried about the neuro link in my gut.
ReplyDeleteGotta get it checked out, I guess. Jamie is having very good results with her treatment. They put her in the hospital on steriods for a few days, didn't let her out till her blood pressure and blood sugar readings came down. Now she injects herself with something, don't know what, and she seems to be responding very well to it. You know, starting a few years ago you had some weird falls - catching your foot on something, etc. Jamie had been having falls for a number of years before the numbness sent her to the hospital.