Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spider flowers beat spiders all round

There are a few cleome plants that  came up this year from a planting one or two years back. I love the white ones, they are amazing. I shook a bunch of seeds into the flowerbed to try to get them to come back next year. I saved spiderlily bulbs from a house that was scheduled for demolition and this is their best year yet; I have spiderlilies in all kinds of places I forgot I planted them. It's been fifteen years since I put them in and they are finally multiplied to start a big fall show. A couple of  autumns ago I had this huge orb spider making a nightly web across my front walk. Now, I love orb spiders OFF TO THE SIDE. I actually walked through the web the first time she did it and kind of had a spasm imagining she was on my head. There was probably a frenzied anti-spider dance routine in there, which would only add to my reputation on the street. Now when I am coming up the walk in cooler, orb-spider weather, I do a web-check. I do not wish to be huge unwieldy prey.

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